The weather is extremely warm here in the Midwest for mid October. Today was a lovely 75, tomorrow promises to be warmer. The trees which should be a blaze with color are just now, reds, yellows. I know this because my son Eric will be 23 on the 24th and I remember coming home with him from the hospital to a lovely autumn show. Every time in the past I tried to have an outdoor birthday party for Liz or Eric it was so cold we froze.
Today I watched the grand kids at their house, Mark's ex was there in the morning. They baked ... I reaped the rewards...yummy cupcakes and cookies. We were cordial, I have little regard for her as a person, she is the type that never takes responsibility for her actions, ever. But I do show respect to her, she is my stepkid's mother. Later the boys and I played outside and then indoors in their bedroom. Jacob did not want me to leave.
Dakota is officially growing up. He posed for this shot at the farm and he no longer says, "me" when referring to himself, he now says "I". The little guy is growing up!
So far this has been a great weekend...Mark even took a walk around the neighborhood with me! Enjoy the weekend!