Friday, May 16, 2008

my space & only 13 days left of school

D (lighting matches boy who wears his girl friend or his sister's pants to school) -- "hey bus driver!  Are you on my space??" 

me --  "oh God no D!  that, my friend would get me fired"

A couple of days ago a driver called over our 2 way radio that a junior lad near her route had fallen off his bike on his face right on the sidewalk.   His face was a bloody mess, too, according to her lengthy report.  Her route is near mine, and I thought nothing of it, as some drivers tend to exaggerate, do commentaries on the comings and goings of the world, etc.

Until today.  A student comes on the bus at my first stop and says, "bus driver don't look at J face!"

You guessed it, J was face plant boy.  One of my more polite riders too.  Poor kid's face was a mess, he chipped two teeth, and both his arms were wrapped up.  All I could say was "Man J your face is ... AWESOME!!"  Sure threw those kids off guard, they surely expected me to be grossed out or have some sort or kind reaction.  Not me, Mrs H always says I am brave because I have 8 kids.  Brave or nuts...

Oh and they glued J's teeth back on, can hardly tell...


Anonymous said...

Good lord !!!!!!!!!!!! Love and Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

OMG, poor kid. Glued? D wears his sisters pants?
I bet you have loads of stories to tell about these kids.


Anonymous said...

Your job is a heartbreating one hon.
How sad.

Anonymous said...

You may be able to write a book someday. Paula

Anonymous said...

Ooops, I have a myspace and it's specifically because my kids have them (and I insisted on being on their firends list to monitor) and I also use it to keep in touch with my students! I hope it's not really "illegal, " maybe I should check on that!! Yikes! Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Ya I finally got talked into having a my space page haha! it is kinda fun!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I am sure that life on a school bus is very interesting and makes you nervous at times! Hope you have a wonderful week with lots of blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rose, you are an awesome lady.  To say something positive in light of a distressing situation for that young man is just so kind.  I bet he remembers what you said over everyone else's comments.  You blessed his day.
Hugs, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Great answer for J; I hope it didn't hurt him to smile :-)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe school is out!  It seems like a month ago you were talking about your route for the year.  Gosh, it went by fast!
Hugs, Kathy