This week we will be converting to A T & T dish for our TV as we already have DSL & phone service through them. They offer a free year of TV so why not. When I first had AOL back in 2000 I had dial up which of course only cavemen use, then I tried their DSL and it never would work even after having a tech here for 6 hours. I finally kicked him out when we had to go to my stepson's graduation, this was 2002, June. I then went through my phone service... SBC/A T & T/ma bell/Illinois Bell or whatever they are calling themselves this week. I got their DSL in 2002..never had a problem with them, ever. So last week when I was with Liz at the Cingular now AT & T store (she bought a new cell phone that has "everything mom") I asked about the free TV offer. I liked the deal so I signed up and they gave me a new modem that is wireless...and faster. I still haven't hooked it I getting old or what??..I believe like the old timers that if something is not broke why fix it. I am sure after the guys hook up the satellite tv I will switch my dsl too. Probably be happy too.
Yesterday the tech came to hook up the TV...seems a big tree that is growing into my house and needs to be cut down anyway (chain saw chain is broke so the delay tree removal has been since last summer), needs to be moved before they can put up the dish. Ok cool, we go get the chain, but now the chain saw won't run. We can either rent or borrow one. Jeremy's is broke, his friends is not. So Jim went to go get the saw. He & Matt (my two step sons) will take down the tree plus the dead Magnolia in the corner of my front yard. They are both not working yet because of all the rain.
Kids come in handy sometimes don't they??