Thursday, July 24, 2008

just wondering

I am home, ALONE!  Most of the day I've been alone.  I've had some time to think, ponder, cruise j-land.  And wonder.  Why do people stay married?

This lovely couple is me and the Mr...April 1st 1995.  Many gray hairs ago...I would have fixed the color but my computer is ticking me off, plus I have to go to my Bus permit refresher class in an hour. 

I've had two very close people that I love dearly decide to end their marriages.  Why?  They have their reasons, because I love them I won't talk about it in specifics.  But both used the words, " I (they) aren't in love anymore"   I asked a girl at work today, who's been married over 20 years, if there were days she wasn't "in love" with her husband ...she gave me that smile...I understood.  Somedays the line between love and hate is a slim one...but the brave stay and work it out...we love them and we stay until we like them again.

Why do people end their marriages?  Maybe like my first marriage... I had no business being married to this man...maybe that's why people stop trying.  And it is an effort to be married.  Some times a big effort.  I asked my husband the other day why we are still happily married after 13 years, so many kids, job changes, deaths, births, big changes...he said because we try...we try and we're friends first.

We make the effort, we communicate, we respect each other.  Sure we have fights, God when we first married we had some loud fights...but now?  Nah, we respect each other too much to do that.  

  around 1998

This picture is one of the few professional ones we have had taken.  This was a time when Mark traveled 3 weeks out every month for the railroad.  I used to say he would come home to visit :::wink wink:::

I was working at the newspaper delivering over 600 newspapers a day, every day.  I had 5 sometimes 7 kids living with me, from at 8 to 16 years old  My mother was just diagnosis with cancer.  This was tough times back then, but look at us, we look happy.  We still are happy. 

I've always believed what does not kill you will make you stronger.  I believe if you but God in the center of your life things work out for the best.  You get knocked down you get back up.

I have become the woman I am from my experiences...and I am a lucky woman to have a man I love right by my side...for better for worse...

Still going strong...


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful that you and your husband are still in love. Maybe trust and respect might be at the top of the list.  Without those 2 things it is hard to build a foundation of marriage.  Rex Humard said that trouble starts ONE BRICK AT A TIME and before long you have a WALL.  It is hard to love someone without trusting and no respect.  You must have a wonderful husband.  One can handle no trust and no respect with the Lord in their life... but that does not make it an easy task for many. Some can not cope until they are ready to cope. We are all wired  different. I am still coping. lol  I know that the Lord has my future in his hands, but it took me a long time to achieve the goal of trusting.  When you find your husband with another woman... you kind of loose that trust.  It takes a long time to gain that trust again... and you can well bet that Satan will remind you of it often.  lol  Not wanting to be negative... but it is up to both people to make a marriage work.  Some have no choice in a divorce. Great subject to bring up... makes one stop and think.  lol  Wishing you a wonderful week with lots of blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

I feel EXACTLY like you do - and I forgot we share the same anniversary. Maybe everyone should get married on April Fool's Day, it seems to be the lucky day!
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

You make a beautiful married couple. I agree with you that some of the things we go through make us stronger and teach us how to have compassion on others
that are hurting in their lifes.
I admire you so much Rose for the kind of woman you are and the love you show for others.
Al and I have been married 52 years,we were babies,but made it through the
good times as well as the bad.We have 11 grandkids and 7 Great-grandkids and are so blessed.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry Rose. Loved the pictures. Paula

Anonymous said...

You own everything that is you.  Anyone would feel lucky to be married to you or have you in their life. And the 98 pic reminds me of Liza Minelli during the "good" years. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

You are the wisest person i know. I wish i had your have a way about you....and you are such a good person.....i am so thankful to have you in my life. I think it is important to LIKE your spouse, not just love them. If you have no respect and do not really like them, your marriage is in big trouble. I LOVE LOVE seeing those pics of you!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!  Kudos to you.

Anonymous said...

Is this an anniversary?

You are a strong woman who believes in her marriage, in love, and in happiness. You always go back there no matter what happens :-)


Anonymous said...

You are an awesome looking couple and obviously belong together thru the thick and thin of it.  Thanks for sharing these pictures.  The create a beautiful image in my mind.

When I hear that someone is breaking up a marriage, I always hope they've had at least 6 sessions with a good marriage counseler.  Sometimes a little nudge in the right direction can save a marriage.
Hugs, Kathy