Monday, August 28, 2006

25 things....

25 this from Martha Just visiting...

1. I am getting better at asking/talking/believing in/ and having faith in God.  Being overly self reliant is distructive...for me.

2.  I love my family above anyone or anything.  They are my heart. 

3.  I was married the first time on a dare in 1985, got divorced 5 years later. 

4.  I never married Liz's birth father, and am thankful every single day

5.  I knew of my husband in high school ( 1973) but we never spoke until October 2, 1994, and have been together ever since.  We are best friends.

6.  I adopt people, animals and ones other people ignore or avoid.

7.  My brain is always ahead of my fingers or my mouth, so sometimes I write or say things that don't make since to anyone but me. 

8.  My spelling stinks, I was once told by a temp agency to carry a dictionary.

9.  I enjoy the outdoors, the beach and water are my hearts desire

10.I am a good listener, people tell me their darkest secrets.

11.I am getting better at keeping them...gossip is my curse

12.I live in the same town that I grew up children went to the same high school I attended, so did my husband.

13. I worry about paying the bills, but never want for myself, only my family

14. I learn quickly, but become bored easily

15. I love my job as a bus are smarter then most adults

16. It hurts me to see people crying.  I don't like to have people see me cry.

17. I am very hyper, therefore I am small.  I was  a chubby teenager.

18. I love to grow and eat my own veggies

19. If I had a million dollars I'd give it all away...

20. I worked for a newspaper as a paperboy for 6 years, I worked 1460 straight days without a day off.  My motto was give me something to throw and I'll do it. 

21. Death to me isn't scary...I am not afraid to talk to people about their losses.  They need to heal too.

22. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education

23. I used to be very quiet and shy, but that passed.

24. When I was in high school I was on the radio for Junior achievement ...I was Rosie the weather girl.

25. My dream is to sell everything I own, buy a hippie van and travel all over the US with my hubby...and of course visit the kids!


Anonymous said...

I loved reading those, Rose!  It helps me get to know you better! :)  Loved your answers.. especially about your kids.  My kids (and my grandbabies) are my life too.  I love them more than anything or anyone in this world!


Anonymous said...

I like that list and I like Rosie the weather girl and Rosie the bus driver. Everytime I see a school bus go past my house I think of you. Paula

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to be able to read your entry and learn more about you.

Anonymous said...

Rosie the Weather Girl !!  I LOVE that !
I too, would sell it all and travel! How cool

Anonymous said...

i was also a papergirl...
and no wonder you like me....i am #6.

love you


Anonymous said...

6.  I adopt people, animals and ones other people ignore or avoid.

We sure have this in common!!

Anonymous said...

If you win the million can you give it all to me hahaha!  You are so sweet Rose.

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Such great answers Rose! We have a whole lot in common! Although if I won the million I don't think I'd give it ALL away! I hope we'll get to hear about your "dare" marriage in a future entry! Most of all I agree with #25 -- that one really says it all don't you think?
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Very interesting . Thanks for sharing.
Hugs , R.C.

Anonymous said...

I want to travel a lot - but I still want a home to return to.

I love the Rosie the weather girl part!


Anonymous said...

My spelling stinks, too. I love spellcheckers!