Thursday, September 6, 2007

At my job we have over 100 drivers &  at least 50 bus monitors.   They discourage us from working over 40 hours as the school district does not like to pay overtime.  We can work over 40, but they don't like it.  Actually I am paid twice per month and they figure out my contracted hours and then divide them by how many pay periods we work.  That way we get paid over spring and winter break.  It works it very nice for us.

Everything is by seniority and they have some goofy formula to figure out how to award trips.  Trips are a hot commodity as they are easy money and usually put a person into over time.  I bid a bunch for next Saturday and won a soccer trip toward Chicago in Lyons Township which is near the Brookfield Zoo.  It's all 4 high school grades so it should last all day...which is sweet.

Work has been extremely slow for my husband as it's rained every week including this one.  Bums him out, but throughout our marriage one or the other of us is usually doing most of the work load.  I wish the weather would behave he makes twice as much money as I do ;)  Things always balance out...

Today's midday went well again with the exception of one kid that is a very large 3 year old.  Mom said he'd cry and he whimpered a bit when we did our drop at the school.  He was fine after he got off.  Most usually are.  School is just too much for some.

I did have one little guy behind me pretending to be shooting a gun, most boys including my own, and my grandsons love guns.  When mine were young I was into being more of an Earth momma, I am still bit of a hippie.  My kids were breastfeed and I made all their baby food.  I was very anti guns.  My sons had other ideas, they used to make guns out of the mega legos, Tim once took a bit out of a saline and began shooting.  Jacob uses race tracks for guns....::::sigh:::: my daughter never did that.

My day went much smoother, I only got yelled at by one mom.  She wanted to be sure I had her kid seat belted before I went the 3 houses down from her to pick up the next stop.   Yesterday I was extremely late, we only belt pre schoolers to keep them tied down for everyone's good.  Seat belts are not mandatory in buses.  That is another subject up for debate.  I feel little ones should be belted in because they tend to stand up, BUT I also feel children are perfectly save in a bus.  Having 50 kids in seat belts is a nightmare.  Imagine a burning bus and one person trying to be sure 50 kids unbelted and got off the bus safely???   I once heard people stating they feel the only reason there aren't seatbelts in all the seats of buses is because of money.  Not's because no bus drive wants to liable for seeing to it that 50 kids are belted in. 

Ok, I am off my soapbox.

The kids are coming over tomorrow night, they will be here until Saturday afternoon.  I have milk, peanut butter and 'ookies...grandma's ready!

Oh the kid in the U-tube clip is fine, once they knocked him out and straightened out his arm he was in less pain.  He's only upset that his football career is most likely least for this year.


Anonymous said...

Think you might have an 'ookie left? I like 'em too. You opened my eyes about the seat belts in buses. When you aren't involved you tend to not see it from all angles. A fire would be a nightmare with all those kids in seat belts. Paula

Anonymous said...

Am so happy that you were able to get win the bid. I wish we got somw of that
rain you get because we really are in a drought,so many fires.

Anonymous said...

My son rode a bus for a few a toddler in special Ed preK he was seatbelted....i felt so much better about the time he didnt need to wear a seatbelt he was off the bus. I am glad you got a good bonus trip and glad you can get that OT in.....LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

My son rode a bus for a few a toddler in special Ed preK he was seatbelted....i felt so much better about the time he didnt need to wear a seatbelt he was off the bus. I am glad you got a good bonus trip and glad you can get that OT in.....LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

Rose, now you got me wanting cookies and milk, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Tabby was just asking today why kids in school buses aren't buckled in! We went past a school bus where the kids were kind of wild and she asked what would happen in a wreck since they aren't buckled in. I told her usually the bus is bigger than a car so...but I hadn't thought of the liability issues.

Anonymous said...

The lack of seat belts on school buses has always bothered me somewhat. My daughter never rode a bus, so I didn't fret on her behalf. I didn't think about burning or liability, but I did think about the safety of being in an accident and having enough seats for each child. When I was in school as a baby boomer, we had kids packed in 3 to a seat and we also stood in the aisle packed tightly - a recipe for a disaster, which luckily never happened in our area.

Have fun with the grandchildren!


Anonymous said...

I always wondered why there were not seat belts in busses and now I know and it makes sense!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

So happy your son's friend is doing well.  That picture of his broken arm made me wince.   I had to laugh, too, about the boys and their 'guns'.  What's with that?  My grandson makes guns out of Legos, too.  My granddaughter makes houses.  They are just wired differently and thankfully so.  

So you are back in the flow?  The first few weeks must be hectic and lively as you get to know all the early morning glitches and the kids.  They are lucky to have you as their driver.  You have such a kind, loving heart.
Hugs, Kathy