Sunday, September 2, 2007

the water is receding

We explained to Jacob that the park had flooded so we would have to play at the grade school.    After a bit he wanted to know why our park was floated.I think he finally understood after Liz explained to him the difference between flooding and floating.  At least I think he did.  You never know, that child has a memory that goes on forever.  He'll come in pretty handy, because mine is really going to hell.


Happy days at the park before the flood. 

Jacob told me the other day that Dakota dropped his flame sunglasses in the driveway and mommy ran them over....the little trooper told me he'd glue them and they'd be fine.   Always Mr junior fix-it that kid.

This morning my husband was outside mowing the lawn and I came out to read the newspaper.   Afterward he joined me as we sat on the lawn chairs which were located near our garbage cans.  I went inside for a moment when suddenly he came running in the house telling me that as we sat enjoying small talk a young opossum had been laying in the garbage can amid the empty pizza boxes deposit by my kid. 

Poor guy just looked up at me as if to say, "come on lady, I got in this thing now get me out!".  We freed him and off he went.   Living by the river we have all sorts of creatures hanging around our home.  I hear the town nearby has had at least 20 rabid bats that have been hanging around people's homes.  One old granny was bit by one.   Right now with all the rain we have huge spiders building their webs in our bushes outside our windows.  They look scary but I know they are harmless, but try telling my big stepson that.

My front yard has become quite the habitat for bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, I have even spied a finch or two.   I gave up on trying to weed it.  The weeds are happy enough living amongst the hostas and ivy.

Enjoy your Labor Day!





Anonymous said...

Goodness...i wouldnt like all those critters......i hate possums...they look evil. Love the pics of the grandbabies.
LOVE, lj

Anonymous said...

When it floods here the park get its but that is better then in people's houses or roadways. Do you know about a once a year all night flea market around there? We went when I was there and it was really big. People were pulling their kids in wagons with flashlights. It was neat but I can't remember exactly where it was. Paula

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Labor Day is a crap name for a holiday. It sounds too much like work!

Anonymous said...

I hate opossums they just give me the giant rats!!...
enjoy today

Anonymous said...

Possums are weird animals, lol! Every now and then I see one at night around here. I suspect the coyotes keep the population down.

I hope your park is dry before the season is over, or else you are going to have a new skating rink forthe boys!


Anonymous said...

aaawww...I'm glad you got him out of there. :o) Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

You are such a brave soul, freeing that critter from your garbage can.  They are the ugliest things!  We get them in our yard at night.  They walk along the fence that connects all of the houses on our street.  Drives Kasey nuts!  Did it hiss at you?  We've had a lot of black widow spiders this summer.  Ewwww.  Kill them almost daily.  Got bit on my upper arm last week.  Sure itched for days.  

Hope your park is back to normal soon.  I'm sure everyone misses it this time of year.  

Your grandsons are so cute!  I love that the older guy wants to fix those sunglasses.  He's too cute.
Hugs, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures and news about what is going on in your life. How wonderful to see all the butterflies,etc. but the bats,oh no.
Hope you had a wonderful labor day weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is quite the flood! Dont ya just love the questions little guys ask haha!  That was awfuly nice of you to free the critter!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Rose, you were brave to free that possum, Hugs Lisa