Friday, May 26, 2006

long weekend!

I've seemed to have fixed my computer so my voodoo dance over it must of worked, for now. It's the same dance I do over my boiler every winter.  Sometimes you just have to wait for what you want in life.  But that's ok, now that my computer will take my picture discs, I will take a picture of the motorcycle.  We will be spending a lot of time on it this summer.  As matter of fact we just took a ride out in the country a while ago.  There's nothing like it!

Here's the proud grandma with the boys....they are getting so big too!

Tracey is right on schedule to deliver baby #3 the end of July.  They still are deciding on a name.  She already knows she's having a boy.  I still have trouble getting used to being so sure of the sex of babies.  Way back when it was either a guess or the doctor was wrong 1/2 of the time.  Mark's fourth son was a girl until he was born a "he".  Of course he just celebrated his 22 birthday on the 24th so things have come a long way in the baby game.  I didn't have much influence on that boy, he and his younger brother spend some time with us, but was mostly protected from mean stepmom by their mother, (Mark's ex).  He did let me hug him on his birthday and he seems to be growing up, which is a good thing.  He has an apartment, a car payment and a job!

I have volunteered to help Tracey this summer as much as she wants me to...she will have her hands full with 3 and will be quitting work which makes me really, really happy.  They are able to afford it.  I think it will be easier on all of them, but mostly for the boys.

Liz did get a job offer, from the park district.  It's not for pay, but to help during the 4 day Prairie fest over Father's day weekend.  The lady that called her recognized her reference as her boyfriend's mother and wanted to know how she knew her.  Liz told her that she dates her son, Mike.  Seems that lady is related to Mike's father!  She told Liz that she will do all she can to help her with a job opportunity.  I have taught my daughter about volunteering anyway, so this will be a great experience for her.  

Here I am at the book signing.  The old guy on the right is my hubby, Mark, he may be gray, but at least he'll always have his hair!

I am off to start the 3 day's going to be hot, sunny and beautiful! 

Happy birthday Lisa Jo!


Anonymous said...

Happy the comp is good now. Seems as if you all have a busy summer ahead.
Enjoy your weekend.....The children are so beautiful. : )


Anonymous said...

You cute little grandma you. Paula

Anonymous said...

You look so cute holding your two adorable Grandsons.So glad that you got your computer working. Sounds to me like you have taught Liz very important  lesson
in volunteering and so many other things. Am happy that she got the job.
Have a wonderful three day Holiday.

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see my list of June are smack dab right there baby. Mark is a hunk....poor Rick is bald and has hair envy. Aren't you just the most beautiful lady/bus driver in the world?! Woo Hoo!
My OB/GYN always said my kids were the sex they werent! LOL
I know you will be a huge help with the boys!
LOVE YOU SO,lisa jo

Anonymous said...

I had an amnio with my second so I knew for SURE she was a girl....
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

All I knew was that I was having a baby, lol, and that was good enough for me at the time. Have a great weekend! did you need pixie dust too, for the computer?


Anonymous said...

I know about those voodoo dances. I do those over several things we own. LOL.
Have a great weekend. Think about me , I'll be working . Not really looking forward to that.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been around much -- busy, busy time lately! Just getting caught up here. Sounds like all is well! Will you come do the voodoo dance over my plumbing? Have a great long weekend! Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad your computer is up and running again!!

Don't you just love grandkids!?  My son's wife's name is Tracy and she is due in July also.  And.. she's having a boy too!  Seems there's lots of babies being born around that time!
