Saturday, May 13, 2006

T. D. Jakes, grandbabies and mother's day cards

One of Mark and my favorite ministers who is also an author was having a book signing this morning so we drove the hour to the Borders to see him.  It was an honor to shake hands with a man who truly is a great teacher of the bible.  I have gained much strength from his ministering each and every morning, as he has a ministery that is televised.  We also met some really awesome freindly people there, one of which was a little African American lady.  She used to teach, but is now a librarian, all she wanted was for the copy of the Library book authored by T.D. Jakes to be autographed.  She was very early and misunderstood the time he would arrive.  Another lady offered to have it signed and she then would drop it by the library for her afterward.  Before she left she made sure we had a pamphlet that showed her work on behave of Africa, she told us she was black all year long, not just for one month a year.  What a spirit that lady has!  Just as I was losing my faith in mankind I get a wonderful reminder this rainy gloomy day.

Which brings me to my whiny attitude regarding the rain.  I am sure this rain is a long awaited answer to some poor farmer who has endured the drought we've had of late.  So no more whining, at least my husband has a job to go to and a raise next month.  It will stop some day hopefully soon!

We also babysat with the grandkids this evening.  It's only been three weeks since I've seen them, but felt like forever!  They are just as cute as ever!  Dakota did get mad at me tonight because even though I can't understand one word of his baby babble I cleary understood he was quite mad at me for not being talked into giving him a bottle.  He had to settle for a sippy cup and a nice long rock with grandma before bed.  The whole time he shook his head no while saying night, night.  I was so pleased that my sweeheart for a daughter in law gave me a card for mother's day.  My stepsons never honor me on Mother's Day, I am sure they are afraid their mother would have a fit.  But I know in my heart by how they treat me that I am loved and respected by them. After all actions speak louder than mere words and acknowledgments on Hallmark holidays.

My boys will be here tomorrow, my daughter will hang out too, even though her boyfriend is back for the summer from college. I will relax, let my husband cook/clean up, laugh with my kids and be grateful for what I have and the simple fact that the best is yet to come.  I am loved and that's what matters!


Happy mother's day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers day !


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy! Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

I know no mother quite like you. You, Rose, are an AWESOME mom (and friend!). Your stepsons should give you a card, if you ask me. Who cares what the other mom thinks..they are grown men. I know they love you, i mean, who wouldnt? I hope that today is a very happy day for deserve a perfect day!! i love you so,lisa

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written entry, Rose...  
Hope your Mother's Day was as wonderful as mine was! :)


Anonymous said...

I am so far behind on you journal.  Summer is here and I should be able to keep up.  Is it still raining.  We havent had but 2 hrs rain in 3 months.  I am glad to hear you are taking the summer off.  You deserve some you and family time.  Hugs, Nicki

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your faith is restored in mankind. Some times we all have to be reminded. Me included. I know three weeks seemed a long time. I go long periods of time with out seeing my granddaughters and it seems forever.
Hugs, R.C.