Saturday, September 24, 2005

babies! and other stuff

After a long week we went over to the kids house to watch the boys.  Nothing like the adoring kisses and the "I LOVE YOU!"'s of a tot to bring a smile to your face.  Liz came with and playing with Dakota took her mind off the college boyfriend, at least for the night.  Dakota is crawling like a madman, he thinks he's just so darn cute, which he is!  He has 4 teeth on top now and kept trying to steal his brothers bowl of popcorn.  They have been taught well though they are very loving to each other, and 2 year old Jacob shares with his little brother.  Dakota turned 9 months old this past week so he'll be out of the baby stage and into toddlerhood soon.  They grow up so fast, but I love spending time with them.  I get my baby fix in just the right amount.  Jacob only wanted he's grandpa to put his PJ's on, which made my husband oh so happy.  This attention really helps ease his hard feelings toward his ex, who spends much more time with the boys, but as a full time babysitter.

I am going to see about some car seats, this is only the beginning of grandkids and there is so much I want to do with these guys...nothing like seeing the world through the new eyes of a kid!

Only problem with babysitting last night is the kids went to the city for a concert came home at 2 am.  Mark had to be up at 4:30 and I had a tennis trip at 6:00.  He napped at their house but was fretting the whole way home about waking up for work.  He is a very dutiful employee, always has been.  He made it up, but after working 9 hours he's in bed already.  I managed a few catnaps on my 10 hour wait at the school the girls were playing at.  It was 45 minutes away and on the way home it rained, a lot.  Got to try out the traction control brakes on the new bus...they worked great!

When I got home at 4:00 Mark was ready for sleep, and I had promised Liz a trip to the mall for a dress for the Homecoming dance.

We looked at all the usual dresses, and I really didn't want to get an expensive dress she would only wear one time.  Especially if the Prince is unable to attend.  We settled on a very different sort of one, it's black with some sort of web design on it.   I'll show the pictures and you can judge.  She's going with a friend, and I am trying to teach her to be unique and enjoy being a 16 year old high school kid.  Seems to be working.  She's smiling more, moping less, nearly back to her old self.  Her drama group starts in a month so she will be back with her 'amazing' friends as she calls them.  God to be a kid again!

Tomorrow we are going back to Mitch's to finish up his cleaning.  Mark's trying not to worry about him, I think he will be fine. 

Off to clean out my email box and catch really cramps my free time, but 10 hours of overtime for just sitting on a bus reading magazines and walking around a track will look good on payday!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Grandkids can make me smile any time. Miss mine. Most of them are in Ca, and Washington. I love reading about yours. It's like watching them grow up long distance. lol That must have been pretty hard, having to get up so early after baby sitting. It's nice to hear that Liz is doing better.  Our children have such a tough world to grow up in. They still have the same old problems we had, but the temptations and dangers are far greater. Looking forward to seeing the dress.
Love you

Anonymous said...

Yep that grandchild fix does wonders for us. I get mine next weekend.Take Care
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

Rose, i tagged you in my latest entry.   :))   Gotta love me! Sounds like you and DH had a special time with the grandbabies....they both sound adorable. I bet you are tired huh? I am always tired so i understand that. I hope Liz has a good time at the dance and is really coming out of her funk over the boy. I understand the first true love though. Take it easy my friend, love, lisa

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely nothing like grandchildren and I adore that tag by the way.  I can imagine Grandad putting the pyjamas on. On Friday I watched as Mike walked down the garden with little Nathan tightly holding his hands, a real big guy and a real little guy, it brought a lump to my throat I can tell you.

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Good way to make overtime. Paula