Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Things this week are all being taken moment by moment for me.  There are still some issues with my grandchildren's sitter (my husband's ex).  I watched them Monday and Tuesday.  We had  a great time, although the kids have issues with hitting each other--that's to be to expected they are only 1 1/2 years apart--dealing with each other isn't easy.  But I handled it pretty well, and with Liz (she came with me Tuesday) only getting a fat lip out of the deal (thrown toy car).  Today the sitter had them in car again for 4 straight hours.  Other stepson has some legal issues (tickets) and needed to be run around.  He lives on his own, but needed his mom to run him around.  The kid is 22 and should have called a cab, or I was perfectly able to babysit again today.  Tomorrow I am working, I am subbing for another driver.  Friday I am watching the kids again and hopefully everyday until Tracey quits work.  Some people just do NOT like to give over the control to others.  But with all things in life, they seem to work out for the best.

Otherwise I am doing fine, I am used to the insanity that is my life, it's always been there, and it's usually something I've created myself.  Hopefully, things will calm down soon.  But for today I ok. 



Anonymous said...

Rose,you are a great Mom! Four hours in a car is kind of long for the little ones.
You are certainly not a quiter!

Anonymous said...

Can't remember when you've not had a lot to cope with, and always do it with grace and style. So proud of you, hon. Can't be easy - dealing with so many things at once. My children might be grown now but I have not forgotten how it was. Big hugs, and much love always.

Anonymous said...

Its a shame the hubby ex is such an ass..but you are an awesome person for being there for the you,lisajo

Anonymous said...

Four straight hours!  My kids would have melted down for sure. You are such a good grandmother---I am glad that they have you to balance this out in their little lives.

hugs to you and your sweet grandbabies,

Anonymous said...

You must be tired! I got tired just reading your post. I hope you are finding some ME time in all that!


Anonymous said...

That was really good of you to watch the kids. You must be worn out!!!

Kara :)