Thursday, October 19, 2006

Homecoming pictures....

Thank you all so much for all your support and kind words regarding Liz.  My husband thinks I over reacted  Pooh on him.  I am mother, a mother's job is to protect her children no matter how old they are.  Mark's son is now out trouble, sort of.  He was arrested for some traffic tickets that were not paid.  His girlfriend got angry with him and called the police knowing he would go to jail.  He was out by noon.  Such drama, glad he does not live here, he's 20 years old it's time to get over his parent's divorce (happened when he was 6) and grow up.  Least that's my humble opinion.

Here's my girl at Homecoming.  Boyfriend is 6 hours away at SIU so he did not come home.  She went with friends, she has no problem showing off her own unque style. 


Dakota came with to take pictures, he is fell asleep in the car right after we left.


I had to have my neice download the pictures to her computer and put them on photobucket :::sigh::: at least I have them. 

I have come up with a brillant idea to get a good camera though!  My kids always give me gift cards for Christmas.  SO I am asking for gift cards to a Circuit City or Best Buy.  Then I can get my own digital camera and then look out world!!                           




Anonymous said...

Your daughter is lovely! There is nothing wrong with being a protective and concerned mom!

Good luck with the camera :)


Anonymous said...

Your girl sure is a pretty one. No you didn't over react with the things that are going on in this world now days. Paula

Anonymous said...

Liz is such a lovely youny Lady,love the pictures! I think you are a great Mom and
I'd have worried the same as you did. Your grandson is adorable too.
Al is more like your hubby.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures !!

Anonymous said...

High School dances are so fun! Speakes volumes of Liz's confidence that she would go with friends and in her "unique style" as you say! That's fantastic that she is so confident in her self! Way to go Momma Rose :)


P.S. I do not think you over reacted at all!!!

Anonymous said...

oh honey, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE to have a digital! I am so happy i have mine...i love love love love it. Hell, i even take it to bed with me daily so it doesnt get stolen.
LIZ is gorgeous in her dress!
XO lj