Thursday, August 9, 2007

what day is it??

The biggest problem I have with not working a regular route is a routine.  I am a creature of habit, and tend to wander if I don't have to be anywhere at any certain time.  The weather has been down right tropical with rain everyday.  The heat and humidly makes for a sauna effect outdoors.  I don't mind. The other evening I walked to the library and pictured the downtown area as it would be during our annual Christmas walk.  It's usually freezing and/or snowing.   That thought cooled me right down and while I enjoy fall, winter in the Midwest is too long.  I am a more the warm climate type.  I am not whining about the heat, it's just the rain.   Oh well this too shall pass.

I worked yesterday.  There are six schools that house the day care groups during the summer.  Every Wednesday they all go to a nearby water park.  The kids love it.  During the ride there one kid decided to freak out after the teacher told another aide that he would be 'watching' over him during the stay at the park.  This kid screamed "I don't want anyone to watch me!"  Two kids nearby egged him on, which didn't help.  I just smiled, kids freaking out is not a bother to me.

On the way home though, the kid came on the bus with a big gauze patch over his eye.  Ooopsy, see kid that's what happens when you freak! 

Today, I am still doing some cleaning/throwing away of papers.  I tend to save papers, they have no use but I do come by it honestly, my grandmother was a hoarder, she came from the "old country" Czechoslovakia.  She used to save baggies of coins in her big bra.  Of course this is not the depression nor am I big enough to stuff anything anywhere on my person.

I even found an old 5.0 version of AOL in a box! 

Out with the old in with the new!




Anonymous said...

Rose, I never know what day it is, hope you have a good Thursday !!!! Hugs Lisa XO

Anonymous said...

John is Czech. He saves money. At his age what is he going to do with it? Oh boy you got me started. I don't want him to spend it on me but why doesn't he buy himself one brand new truck with everything on it? lol Sorry. Paula

Anonymous said...

do you have money under the mattress? I have lots of family who put cash in a sock and hid it!
Enjoy all your time off.....what happened to the kids eye?

Anonymous said...

I'm a pack rat! lol It's hard for me to throw certain things away. :o) Good for you that you are doing it! :o)

Anonymous said...

I am often confused as to what day it is, lol! One week I was sure we had two Fridays in a row.

Good girl for cleaning out the old stuff! Doesn't that feel good?
