Friday, July 22, 2005

It's friday....

Last night we went and got Mark's tux.  He looks so handsome, I think I'll marry him all over again!  We didn't have a big wedding 10 years ago, because being it was our second and we had 8 children, there was no way to afford it.  We did get married in a nice small church.  I'd marry the guy again in a second.

I have to remember these lovely thoughts while I am trying not to strangle him.  He's already whining about work today.  It's hot, it's been hot, it's going to be hotter and it's not going to be not hot for awhile.  And traffic, traffic was bad yesterday, it's bad today, and it will be bad again tomorrow.  AND road construction, it's bad...ok you get the idea.  The guy loves to complain about the same crap all the time, oh yeah the guy he works with, he's a stoner, and a liar and a poser, He thinks he's a big chopper guy and everybody thinks he's great.  He's also lazy and gets away with taking naps in his air condtioned semi on company time.

It's hard to tell my 50 year old husband to just be a good employee and mind his own business, and do his job...but you know that doesn't work. My husband has been a hard worker, who goes to work sick, come rain or shine, and then some, heck at his old job they'd call him in on Friday nights in the middle of dinner to do loads because he was the only sober guy they could find, this after working all day.  This may or may not catch up with this guy, but who knows.  This is just something that you can't do anything about.  Sometime my dear hubby forgets this...but I've learned to just agree, and try not to let it get to me...I am the type to let a lot go...after all, I believe that life evens stuff out eventually...

Tonight is the rehearsal dinner.  I have my cash ready, and what I am wearing.  And my schedule, my future dil has everything on a schedule, hopefully no one will have to go to the bathroom or faint.  Poor girl might faint herself.

I am also thinking everything will go fine tomorrow night, these things in the past have always been pretty anticlimatic at least in my eyes.  Except for when Jeremy got married, HE did drink too much and my poor dil tried to give him back to us. And now they have 2 kids and are pretty happy.

I am now getting pretty excited, there will be a wide variety of people there, relatives and such and I think it will be pretty fun.  That's my attitude and I am sticking to it.

More later...


Anonymous said...

You sound excited. I'm happy for you. I hope all goes well.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

You must be proud of Mark and he must be proud of you. Enjoy the wedding honey and then it will be another memory.
Love and Laughter

Anonymous said...

WOW! You two had eight kids when you got married? You were two brave people to take that on, but I bet it has been fun. Paula

Anonymous said...

enjoy Rose and that's the right attitude too...hopefully your positive outlook rubs off on Mark :-)  Have fun and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

It is hard when you work hard and other people slack off...drives you nuts. But it all works out in the long run.  Best of luck this weekend!!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

My dh gets rreally frustrated at work, too. There is one pharmacist who is really lazy and he sorts through all the orders and only fills the really easy ones...and then when his shift is over and David is the only pharmacist in the whole hospital, there are all these complicated IV's and chemo to make...