Thursday, July 28, 2005

~random stuff~

This beautiful young lady is Monika.  She is my daughter's best friend and I spoke of her this past spring.  Her family was having a load of problems.  Her Polish speaking mother, has a mental illness, her stepfather wasn't paying the bills so they sold their home and got a divorce.  We were all hoping that Monika wouldn't have to leave our little town, but she is now living with her mom in Chicago with her Grandma.  Because mom doesn't speak English very well and has the illness Monika used to take care of everything, their home, her younger brother plus her own school work. She will be visiting this weekend to get her transfers from the high school and will be living with Grandma as her mother can't work.  We offered to let her live here, but Grandma rules the family now so she cannot.  Makes me so sad.  I really miss that kid.

I have a lot of time to think these days.  One way my trip to the Ed center in the morning takes 30 minutes, then I do the trip up and back again in the late morning.  This gives me about 2 hours of way too much thinking time.

You have to wonder about life sometimes, the choices we make.  How they can effect us and our loved ones.  For instance my oldest is trying to decide if he should buy a car.  I was awful when he was younger about his decision making skills, I used to say, "are you sure you want to do that???".  But what I see as insecurity my husband sees as a being careful and thoughtful.  My son will do fine, I will trust his judgement and actually am thrilled he comes to Mark and I for advice, well mostly Mark. 

I often wonder why  Mark and I did not get together way back in high school, we knew each other than, why didn't we have the attraction???  Would we have had all these kids?  Would we be where we are at now???  Would we be as close as we are now?  Or would we have killed each other???

What about my job?  If Mark's trucking business would have done well, and we hadn't had all the problems would I have sought out a job, the very job that I love???  Or would I still be sitting in the house, bored out of my mind??

Liz's boyfriend Mike is leaving for college which is about 7 hours away.  They have decided to break up, but date when he is here, or stay friends, or I think it's break up with option to get back together....I dunno, I think they both know they are young, Liz loves her her guy friends, Mike needs to study and experience college.  So they are wise to do this, but I wonder will they have a future???  Will they get married after college???  Matt and Brandy did.  My stepson Jim and his old girlfriend didn't last, and they started out in high school.  Jeremy ended up marrying his first girlfriend from high school , which was Tracey...will Liz and Mike?? 


Ah such thoughts run through my mind.  But I think life is about choices, I think we end up how we are by those choices, but I do believe  that we all are here to learn from each other...we all get together when it's the right time, in God's time.  And to me that's the 'right' time.

Ok that's enough deepness...

It's Thursday and I am getting Chinese for dinner!  We are going to escape to the summer home (trailer), it's big breakfast Sunday (hmmmm biscuits and gravey), and we are going to see Jacob and Dakota Saturday afternoon...

PLUS it's still only 80 glorious degrees outside!!  AND SUNNY!  These are some Sunflowers, wish I had planted that many, but I do have one huge one, and some little guys.  My black eyed susans ended up being fine after the 3 inches of rain we got.  I will use up the rest of the wedding film and take the 'big' guy's picture...and I will post them next week...PROMISE!




Anonymous said...

I can just see the wheels a turnin in your mind.  That is so sad about Monkia. That would be so hard for a young woman. I wish her the best of luck.  Im sure all your kids will make the right decisions.  Afterall they have you for their Mom :)


Anonymous said...

You did do a lot of thinking hon. I also believe that our choices are what makes our life as it is. You and Mark ended up together anyway and maybe that was at  exactly the right time. There are so many things happening that are sad but we
are so blessed to know the Lord doesn't give us more then we can bear.
The pictures you shared are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Monika is a beautiful child. I wish so much she could have stayed with you and your family. It's so tough to be young these days. Well, tough at any age really. Things are changing so much and us right along with it. Two hours is a lot of thinking time, Rose, but I love having time to think. Would not know what to do without it. There are times I remind myself to "stop analyzing: but overall, I'm glad I do. Like you, I spend a lot of time wondering about life and our loved one; how our choices effect them, and theirs us. I read somewhere "when the student is ready, the teacher appears." ...and think this is true for you and Mark. I think you got together at just the "right time." and do believe there is one. Enjoy the trailer. So glad you get to get away once in awhile. Wish you could taste my Johnny's gravy, Rose. I used to make great gravy, but when we met and I tasted his, I never made it again. It is YUMMY!!  Big hugs, hon. Love you much.

Anonymous said...

Everything has turned out as it should, Rose.

I have black-eyed Susans too - they are pretty, aren't they?


Anonymous said...

Rose, wonderful entry!! I love the pics too! People go on and on about choices but when we are young we pay no attention, huh? I have made some BAD choices in my life that still negatively effect it. If only i had listened. That is very adult of your daughter to break up and not be so sad. I am so glad you love your job. I hate mine. When you love what you do then your life is so much better. Love, lisa

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny all the things you think about when you have extra time on your hands.
Have a great day.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

I do that to.  I wonder what coulda been.  But you are right I believe everything has two choices some bad some good.  Nicki