Friday, August 12, 2005


Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.
- Jennifer Unlimited


Whelp!  I'm done, I am finally finished with my summer route and I have a whole week off!  After this week I will be back to it...with route selections, training, and the annual district brainwashing.  It's always some dumb theme run by some professional company that tries to get us all "rah rah" and crap....and it is crap.  Most of the time the older teachers sit in the audience and gossip while the new ones sit up straight and listen intently like if they don't they'll get fired.  PLLLLLEEEEEEEEEAZE...but it's manatory and I get paid to go so I'll sit and  look interested for a couple of hours.  Plus I think we get donuts and you know if there's food a bus driver will come!

Yesterday it finally rained here.  Mark went into work for 4 hours and then came home.  We then finished getting my dad packed and cleaned at his house.  He's been there since 1971, he's got rid a lot of my mom's stuff in 1999 when she died, but he remarried a few years ago and brought Toni's stuff in his house.  So there was like over 30 years of stuff in that place.  He has an attic with a huge train set in it, plus a garage with all sorts of Mechanic's equipment.  Mark strained his back lifting stuff, but since he only worked 2 hours today (show up pay he actually didn't work) I am sure he was looking for an excuse to pass out today so that's what he's been doing ALL day sleeping just using his back as an excuse.

I don't care, I like being alone...

So I've been catching up on journals (when stupid aol isn't reseting itself) and I was watching really stupid TV.  I realized I need to get a life when I was watching with morbid fasination this show on E about all thes rich brats (one was the owner of Yahoo's daughter, one was Anthony Quinn's son, Pat Benatar's daughter, a baseball player's daughter, can't remember the rest of the snots.) and they send them to Colorado to a Horse camp.  On the plane ride the Yahool girl was hitting on AQ's son, the bball player's daughter was getting all miffed about...  This one kid who was from London, he's some Lord's son was all like
"Ewww American's, there so into their designer fashions!"  I wonder what will happen next week????Gotta love the rich spoiled children who get their one shows.

After I got bored with that show I switched to that show on VH1 with the celebs trying to lose weight...that show is really sad too...way too much screaming and yelling for me!  I really should be spending my time doing some productive, but hey I am off work out of traffic and now it's time for my mind just go idle for tonight.  Tomorrow I'll find something useful to fill it with.

So Mark will be off again tomorrow, because all the jobs are still too wet.  The rain has really been needed though.  Illinois is having one of the biggest droughts on record.  You couldn't tell it from my Sunflower - it's huge!  I have a roll of film with pictures from the fair (my grandkids) and a picture of my giant flower so I just need ot march my happy rear end to the Walgreens and get it developed before winter or the kids start school!

Mark's ex's sister in law passed away on Wednesday from a brain tumor. She was a grand lady and along with the rest of Mark's ex's family always got along with both Mark and I.  Tomorrow is the funeral so we will be watching the grandbabies.  It's a sad seems like the good die young as she was only 63, but she went quick.  I watched my mother take a long year to die from cancer.  For the cure got to difficult and she gave up and faded away.   Cancer is nasty...and for me I hope I grow up to be a little gray haired old lady who will be too old to drive a bus, but able to monitor...I gotta find a way to pay those little stinkers back .... me and my cain...we will be able to keep the peace on any bus ride! 



Anonymous said...

Enjoy your week off , do something for your self and enjoy.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your week off! It will end all too soon....xoxo

Anonymous said...

I want to die in my sleep. But i have always thought i would die young and badly. I am sorry to hear about your mom....:((       I hate mandatory meetings. I usually just try to stay away. I hope Marks back feels better!! Mine does, thank God. Love you, lisa jo

Anonymous said...

ENjoy your time off Rose! Do something FUN...

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Hey thats nice that you have your old age all planned out with your cane and grey hair and everything. Paula

Anonymous said...

Our AOL keeps refusing to let me into the journals...

Anonymous said...

Hey time off is all about relaxing and getting ready for whats to come next right.  So if you wanna watch the mindless crap on tv you go ahead.  LOL  Big Hugs, Nicki