Wednesday, August 17, 2005

this & that

First off what in heck is happening in this world???  Are we so self centered and afraid that we have forgotten how to actually show another human being an act of kindness??????????????????  

My issue is this....yesterday I went to the store to pick up my I am driving down my little street I see a girl who is wearing bike riding gear, you know the spandex, the shoes, the helmet  except she's not riding her bke she's carrying it.  She looks really young and I am not sure if she's an adult or a kid.  I drive past her and then I am thinking, ish that poor I take a chance (if she's a child I don't want to freak her know that whole stranger danger thing) and I go back.  Seems the poor girl (she is 20), popped a tire and had been walking for 4 miles!  Her knee was skinned up too.  Luckily I had my husband's truck so I asked if she wanted a ride.  She said 'oh yeah!'.  Her house was only about a mile away but it was a rough mile down a busy highway.  MY point is this...why don't people help each other any more???????????   Where is the humanity???  I told my son about this girl and of course the nut says, "was she hot??".  Whoa...hormones and young men.   I am not saying this for a pat on the back, but it's just who I am, I am a big believer in the Golden Rule, Karma, and just being nice to each other. 

Ok off the soapbox.  This morning I was greeted with a call from my sweetheart of a DIL seems I DO get to babysit this week.  On Friday!!  She told my hubby's ex that I want the kids, plus the ex is wanting to go to her trailer with Mark's brother's ex.  Guess they want to do some gossiping about their ex's.  You know an EX BASHING PARTY.  Oh for pete's sake get a life girls.  For me the only way I got free of my own ex was to get over him...and stop wishing him dead....then I moved on and got a life.  Oh well this is my humble opinion that if people have nothing better to do but talk about me and mine, then they really have a sad boring life, because honestly I am not all that thrilling!!!

Here's some of my joys from the FAIR---------->

My little man Koda...the kid I swear looks like a little man!

Liz and Tim .. My BIG babies!!

Jacob right after the Goats tried to eat his shirt...that's his momma, Tracey pointing out that goats are a-ok the piggy's too!  Jacob's shirt says, 'mommy's little headbanger" sweet...

Can you tell how proud I am of my family???? I am not worthy!!!





Anonymous said...

Oh yes you are worthy. I love the pics, all of them. Sounds like the ex's have a few screws loose! I think it is awesome that you cared enough to stop and pick up that girl. Nowadays, it can be scary just to get a ride from a stranger. Love, lisa

Anonymous said...

We had a goat issue once too, so funny! Have fun this weekend!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you stopped and offered her help.  I think that our country is lacking in compassion.

Anonymous said...

It is really sad that in this day and age we worry about helping out someone. It was a good thing you did. I'm proud of you.
Great pictures.
Hugs, R.c.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Rose,what is happening to people and caring for others.
The pictures are so nice and you are most worthy honey to be proud of your beautiful family.

Anonymous said...

Im glad you were able to help that young lady. im sure she was so grateful!!!  I almost think that people are affraid to stop and help because of how scarey this world is and how crazy people are! How sad is that!

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with you on what the world is coming to.  I think some people are so afriad that they will pick up an axe murderer or something that they barely look.  As always your family looks terrific.  Nicki