Thursday, August 4, 2005

is it friday yet???????

Not my temper tantrum although I am due for's been one of those weeks.  It's been hot, hot, hot...and when it's hot Mr Rose chooses to deal with it by simply and plainly FREAKING OUT.  He managed to behave Monday night when I wouldn't turn on the air conditoner it wasn't that hot and I ususally end up freezing in the morning.  He's been building up to a good freak out for days now.  He can never stop griping about the guys at work.  This is a habit he's had since as long as I've know him so I accept it.  He's a perfectionist when it comes to work and nobody can ever live up to his strict standards.  So....... last night he got angry because I let Liz go out to eat with Mike and his mom.  Oh my God did I hear all she does is run, how she needs to get a job, all the other kids had jobs, and her license! why doesn't she have her license yet???  She's not driving one of my cars in the winter with no license!  What is she going to do in the winter???  WALK to school!!  And her trip for Choir in the spring, I AM NOT PAYING FOR THAT!!!


I just stood there and said nothing.  Did no good, it never does.  We were supposed to go to the trailer and see my grandkids, but a block away he was too irrated to I got to spend the evening with my stewing pissed off mate....he did feel bad, said, "sorry I am an asshole."  DUH!

After 10 years of marriage I know this is part of the deal...just as he has to put up with my habits, quirks and from time to time maladjustments...BUT it's just too HOT to have to listen to it!

Anyway, to top off my lovely week, I was sitting in line at the school waiting to drop of my child and he likes to mess with the emergency door, it's a long boring wait and lately he's been getting pretty rowdy...I am well able and trained to take care of it...well Miss another school bus driver decides to tell me, she gets out of her bus and approachs my window..."do you know there's a little boy's playing with your door?'

The door only has a loud buzzer and I can hear it...I am not a deaf old bag yet!!!  I politely thank her and nod...GOOD GOD people take care of yourself!!!

Oh well...I am off to some more traffic, I'll write more later...if it's cools off that is!


I am back ... and I did get 'talked' to about the incident at the school with my student.  ISH!  I had a huge feeling that this bus driver would make an issue out what happened.  All the kid was doing was lifting the handle so he could hear the buzzer.  I am sure Miss perfect bus driver thought I was too busy reading my US magazine and deaf and dumb and perhaps blind and didn't see/hear/ignored my student who btw was seat belted in his seat and wasn't going anywhere.  Luckily for me the Special Service Supervisor is so cool, I think her and I were separated at birth.  She is the only one who can talk non stop like I do, plus she understands how my mind works.  She also used to be a driver, so she questioned me and said "oh I figured that it was something like that"!  But what irks me is this noisy driver went to the Co-ops director!  I have seen plenty of things at that school that I don't approve/like/think is unsafe and only go to my own supervisor to disuss it. 

Oh well, I am done, I feel better.  I won't hold a grudge, these things happen, it's just my perfectionist attitude (oops, now I sound like my husband!), actually it's my own ego, other people can do what they do...hey it's their problem to deal with.   That is my attitude at work, but that's another story!



RENT"S coming November 11, it's one movie that my daughter and I can agree on!!!

In daylights
In sunsets
In midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches
In miles
In laughter
In strife.
In 525,600 minutes
How do you measure a year in the life?
How about love?
Measure your life in love.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, horrible things temper tantrums and people always seem to get worse in hot weather!  Hope your day is calmer today

Anonymous said...

Friday? It has been Friday to me since Monday - I wonder what I think tomorrow will be, since it actually is Friday, lol.

What else was that student supposed to do to entertain himself?


Anonymous said...

WoW,it sounds like you had a really hot and stressful day.I am so proud of you for
the way you controled yourself with Mark. I still have a lot of work to do with my sweet husband,on my self control. Hope you have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

My husband is like that. I like you have learned to live with it.  Sorry about the trouble with the other driver. If people would just mind their own business.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank goodness I am not married anymore.  I cant hold my tempter anymore.  But at least he got it that he was acting that way.  Dont you just hate it when people wont mind their own business.  You must have gotten a route she wanted or something.  Nicki