Tuesday, February 21, 2006

i am sissy

Picked up the kids on Sunday night.  Had a fun evening and managed to get them to bed pretty early.  I think they are finally used to our house and checked out most of the place that they know they are able to go.  The both are so funny.  Jacob talked none stop about Monster trucks.  We have 2 trucks here along with a bunch of match box cars.  He likes to line them up and jump them like he sees on TV or like Saturday real life.  Until baby monster Dakota comes and walks all over them.  Oh boy.  But such is the life of siblings.  We that had them all went through it.  

On Monday morning I woke up to bring Dakota down stairs to get him a drink.  I was holding him and had a huge dizzy spell.  I broke out in a cold sweat.  I had to call out to Mark and then had to sit down.  I ended up being talked into (by Mark) calling off work today.  I have 31 sick days, so I do have them available.  But it's so weird to me with this job to call in.  I NEVER do that!  Actually I never have called in sick in the 3 years I've been there.  I took off for my surgery (2 days), my son's surgery (1 day) and the funeral.  I feel ok, but the whole dizzy thing sorta freaked me out.  I am sure it has to do with all the germs and bugs that have been going around lately.  Being locked up in a closed bus with the world's biggest germ carriers would do that.  But I am so overly posessive with my bus, (I know you all know THAT!), my kids and route, that it feels weird to not be there.  Plus the dispatcher always makes it sound like you are putting her out when you call in.  Oh well, enough of that talk, I am going to finish up on here and go rest.  By tomorrow hopefully I will be good as new!  Especially since it's going to be 40's, and I only work my am and pm routes on Wednesdays.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Inner ear issues? High blood pressure? I hope you get that checked out, Rose! Your body is trying to tell you something. Feel better!


Anonymous said...

You need to call the doc and tell him/her about that dizzy spell. Now i am worried. Are you eating and drinking?  I am glad you had such a good time with the boys...they sound like normal rambunctious little boys! LOVE YOU, lisa

Anonymous said...

If it happens again get it checked girl. Hope it doesn't and you are fine. Paula

Anonymous said...

My BIL got very very dizzy with this last ful bug, and eneded up at the ER...be careful!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely sounds like you caught a bug. Everyone seems to be getting dizzy, sweating and tummy stuff.
Feel better,

Anonymous said...

OM, I hope you feel better soon.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

Im glad you took the day off!!!  You probally need the rest. I hope you feel better soon.

Kara :)

Anonymous said...

Sick day was the right move. Hope it's nothing serious. rich