Wednesday, March 8, 2006


Yesterday was the vote for the Executive council for our union.  I did not get voted in, which as I said before I would not be upset.  My feeling is this...if I got voted in I would do the best job possible, if not, well, my life is really, really full right now.  I've rediscover my 'me' time and I don't want to part with that.  Besides the ones that did get voted in, there were five, are a nice mix of our department.  Now hopefully they will get a good contract written up for 2007.  At least as good as the one we have now.  I really, really like my job and the benefits are great.  I'd like to retire there.

Mark is with Jeremy today doing remodeling stuff (oh when is it my turn??? My old house I mean!), and he called me to ask if I wanted to watch the boys over Spring break and I said, "heck yeah!"  Liz is going to DisneyWorld for show choir so I'll be here probably wasting time, so why not hang out with my two little guys!  My break is the end of the month so hopefully the weather will be good.  It's 50's now with some chance of rain, but the snow is almost gone.  Glad for that. 

Liz's concert was according to her, JUST AWFUL!  She's in an all girl dance choir, I guess the group was fighting all evening and some didn't want to perform at all.  I could tell that they hadn't practiced enough when I watched them.  Hopefully they will get their act together.  They tend to depend way too much on the teacher.  And not practice on their own.  The younger girls don't want to listen to the upperclassman.  No respect I expect.  It's a shame, they were really good last year.  But they still have time to get their act together.  Hope they do!



Anonymous said...

Rose,it is so nice that you do love your job,that is so important. Oh,you get to watch your little Grandkids,aren't they lucky,yep!

Anonymous said...

Do you think spring will finally show up one of these days?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you and the boys are having a PARTY!! WOO HOO!
XO lisa

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice spring break with your boys !  The weather here has been mild and rain on the way tomorrow ! WHERE IS SPRING ?


Anonymous said...

Your grandbabies are so lucky to have you!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm so sorry you didn't get voted in!  That stinks!  If I were there, I would have voted for you!!!!!  Its so cool that you will get your boys for spring break!  That should be alot of fun.  Our spring break here isn't into next month.  I like it better in April then March, like it was last year.  Talk to you soon!
Love, Linda