Saturday, November 13, 2004

The face of God

I just got back from the store and while I was there I saw these 2 precious little girls in one of those grocery carts that has the car thingy attached on the front...the ones that the kids think they are driving.  They were about a year old or so.  One of them looked at me and gave me the biggest, sweetest smile.  I saw her again as I left and she did it again.  Her busy daddy didn't even see her do it.  Normally I would have stopped to flirt with that little girl, but I didn't want to ruin the moment.  That little girl made my day.  She let me know in a split second what's important in the world and that is ... to show each other just how wonderful they are and that little one showed me! 

My decision to not let my hubby affect my mood really is spreading as his 20 year old son Dustin called him and wanted to fish at our trailer.  And I told Mark to tell him sure just lock up afterward.  The kid was thrilled.  Today I am going to fight negative and evil with love and kindness just like that little one showed me the face of God just a short time ago.

Have a wonderful rest of the day....I already am.


Anonymous said...

I am lucky I have three little angels faces that smile at me every morning ok sometimes its just 2 of the three but that is still 2 more than I deserve.

Anonymous said...

Children teach us so much simply by being themselves. Sweet entry, my friend.
Hugs and much love. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Oh what a sweet entry. I enjoyed this so much. When my oldest was about 2 she did that to a cashier at the grocery store. Not the cashier that was waiting on me but the one in the next isle. The lady came to me and said, "I was feeling so sad and your child kept smiling at me and she just taught me a lesson and made my day."
I never forgot it.
fishing? Trailer? why wasn't I invited. LOL
And oh you cracked me up about flirting with the daddy. My oldest laughs at me because I have a guy in the neighborhood that jogs and I call him "hot daddy." LOL

Anonymous said...

Actually I would have flirted with the little hubby would have killed me if he thought I was flirting with a MAN!  I do get along better with men...afterall I'm NOT dead!  right??  But I know what distruction flirting can do to a marriage.  But you are right...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're remaining positive when you're dealing with someone who is being negative--I know how hard that is.  Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

wonderful words Rose.  Stay positive.  I'll try to today too.  :-)