Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A - ok

Doctor appointment was a-ok, no visable lumps or bumps.  Need to get a mammogram appointment. 

My stepson decided to not come home again last night, instead went to his mother's where he can stay out late with his drunk buddy's.  He did come home this morning (after we went to work) long enough to find some clean clothes and leave his dirty ones.  His mother must not have a functioning washing machine :).  When we finally get ahold of him we will be setting him straight.  It's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it.  At least I still have my sense of humor.

My kid's girlfriend i.m.'ed me and let me know that my son is coming back to this world.  His drunken spree is over now that his friends are all going home for the holiday and he's decided that he doesn't want that type of life.  For now at least ~ if you ask me.  I am always skeptical of 20 year olds...sometimes I wonder why God even gave them a brain they never seem to use it!

Plus he had broke up with her and I am sure he is missing her, and she is also coming back to town.  Who knows??  I am not counting on anything until they all reach 30 and then I am not holding my breath.  I am a much happier person that way! 

Have a great day ... I plan on it! 


Anonymous said...

So what your saying is....I'm never going to have a break from worry? They will be dumb all throughout their 20's too? Oh for heavens sake! I hope your son striaghtens out. I hope your stepson behaves himself. Thank Goodness you have no lumps or bumps...I have never had a mamogram..I'm quite frightened of it. It sounds painful and if my boob is just grazed by a wall ever so gently I scream out in pain. omg.

Anonymous said...

sheesh, what a handful you have there Rose!  

Anonymous said...

I was not sure where to put my comments, I am needing to go to bed, but thank you for visiting me, and now I am visiting you, lol.  I loved your journal, and thank you for your comments in mine.  I don't understand why the ones we love so much act hurtful towards us, I probably never will.  But I do know, that when I am hurtful to my husband, or vice versa, I find that I am able to be myself with him, and he will take me back.  Yes, this is messed up.  I pray your hubby has better holi-DAYS, and making yours shine.  I will also pray for you in your medical strife.  I am sorry about your stepson as well.  He will come around someday and know that you and your hubby love him, and will see soon how his mom is destructive to his life.  I pray before anything bad happens, God bless you, I hope I was not out of line, Julie
P.S.  I remember my bus driver, she is one of my coolest childhood memories.  darn troublemaking kids!