Saturday, November 13, 2004

Negative Negative!!

Mark is in one of his VERY NEGATIVE moods.  He loves to talk a good talk but when the going get really tough he still hasn't figured out how to walk it.  His son Dale is acting up again and this usually has an effect on his mood.  Dale has decided that the going is too tough here so he had his mother pick him up Thursday night while we were gone.  He just upped and left no note, no call no nothing!  He missed school yesterday and since mom didn't call him in, it's unexcused.  Oh well! 

Mark is at work today and has to stay an extra 2 hours which you would think would make him happy, because last week he only worked 2 1/2 days.  BUT NO he's whining like a spoiled brat.  And now he is on me about money.  What he fails to understand is the amount of money or lack of that has been put out by that truck he owns He refuses to understand what a negative impact that had on us.  He may admit it and understand it but he refuses to understand that there is a period of time of recovery.  Trust me I take some of the blame for the mess, I spent money we didn't have, I helped the kids too much and I didn't work last summer.  I am about to the point of getting a job waiting tables on the weekends to shut him up.  I really didn't want to go into so much debt for this truck, but I went along with it...AND I refuse to be  little and throw that point up in his face.  I am a bigger person than that, and I don't like to say things that I will regret.  I work too, but that doesn't seem to matter to him.  And the biggest pan in the butt is he has a Nextel 2 - way radio to share is negativity with ALL day!  I totally understand that "this too shall pass", but when you are in the midst of this it seems like forever!!!!

" My plans for you  are good and not evil, to give you a future of hope" ~ Jeremiah 29:11


Thank you dear friends for being there for me.  I know that everything will indeed be ALL RIGHT.  And for today I will live a moment at a time and know in my heart that I am I am going on with my day...and try to be a blessing to someone else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will pass and I KNOW you know it but at the moment it stinks. I can relate, hon. There is nothing worse than having to be around negative people, especially when they don't want to deal with the problem or won't accept their share of the responsibility for it.  Proud of you for not throwing anything up in his face, tempting though it is. It certainly isn't easy, but you' did the right thing. Love you much. *Barb*