Wednesday, January 19, 2005

whoa it's hump day already

Wow it's Wednesday already and the rest of the week will prove to be just as fast...I've not been able to sleep at night because Mark doesn't come to bed until 1:30 am and then I try to make up for it by taking a nap on my break...hopefully he will be back to work next week.  The concrete trucks are out so I am sure when his boss comes back from his vacation they will work.  I know his son is going crazy at home because he's used to working too.  Oh well...I know it bothers him not to work and he's ready, I guess that's why men need to work, you think?

Thursday and Friday the High schools have finals so I will be working most of the day to accommodate them getting out early...which is fine. 

Mark grew up taking family vacations and he traveled with the Navy so he really is quite the gypsy.  He has been looking (online, a dangerous tool in the wrong hands), at houses in Houston, TX.  I guess he wants to run away from home so to speak.  Running gets you no where so I told him we need to hang out here for awhile, at least get the kids grown.  Then we will talk about moving or at least when we get older a place to spend the winters.  Illlinois is way too cold and depressing for me.

off to eat I'm starving!



Anonymous said...

Hope you catch up on your sleep, Rose. But I'm like you. I can't sleep till Johnny comes to bed. Guess we're pretty spoiled. Will let you know about the book. I know I'll love it. Plan to read it tomorrow. Have been caught up in too much stuff and haven't had the time.  Illinois really is a very cold and depressing place. I've never lived there but passed through several times in mid winter. Not good.
Hugs, kiddo. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Hope the weekend does get here fast.  And I hoep you get caught up on your sleep soon.  

Anonymous said...

I heard houston was a party town. Have you ever been to texas? I think you might wanna treck out there first for a vacation and see if you even like the people and what not. Go the hottest time of year when it's 110 degrees outside and see if you can handle that. LOL

Anonymous said...

I hope the rest of your week went fast also. IL is very cold. It's cold here too. Today was nice tho. I hope all goes well for Mark. Try to catch up on your sleep.
Have a great weekend.