Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Yippeeee!  Eric came home from work yesterday and told me he got the transfer to the other Menard's store.  He is presently working in the warehouse and when he goes back to school he  wants to work closer to his apartment and the Junior college.  I am so happy because I feel like some of the things I 've tried to teach him are working!  I tried to teach these kids that when you make a mistake or fall down, you brush yourself off and get moving...ACTION!  So his failing the BIG college happened oh well ... now learn from it.  It's been quite a battle with his real dad, his stepmom and my hubby, but I was lucky, I got divorced during the "olden" days when moms where given sole custody, so while I still consider my ex's opinion, my influence tends to win out.  They all thought Eric shouldn't buy a new car (older dependable cars are not cheap either), or move out (he should live at home and go to Junior college here, how??without a car??) and he should take 3 classes.  I thought he should take only 1 you know prove he can pass a class?  But the point was made that he needed to take more to actually get done with school in a timely manner.  So I guess in the big mess of opinions we all compromised and basically left it up to Eric as it should be. The kid's almost 20 and although we are helping him, he is the one that has to learn the life lesson.  God forbid the kid end up like his parents, get married to someone he doesn't like have some kids, get divorced and move back in with his parents...glad my kids see the mistakes their parents have made and try to be different...Thank you God for that!  But if that does happen to one of the 8, and if your a betting man...somebody getting divorced is a fair bet, but we all will deal that if and when that happens.  Gotta be positive!

Ok I am also happy because the sun is out and I am simply glad to be alive...pretty 3 of hubby's back ache, these back twisty things ususally last a week and then he's all good again.  Bought him some Midol today that stuff works on cramps and it alway works on his back...wish I would have thought of that sooner, saved some whining. 

I am off...gotta make good use of this energy...Love rose


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never thought of Midol for a back prblem...great suggestion!