Thursday, July 1, 2004

Whoo hoo almost the weekend

Worked today as a monitor.  It's hot and humid here so the air conditioned bus felt good.  Have to work again tomorrow afternoon.  I never say no to work...bad, bad karma...God gives me opportunities I must take them.  My boys had a fight last night...not fist fight, never fists, but they are so different and they aggravate each other sometimes.  Tim thinks Eric is irresponsible and Eric thinks he is never told anything by their dad.  Tim felt he always has to rescue or cover for Eric.  I have to remind them that they are both different people and at different stages in their lifes.  The big thing is they were basically raised to fit their roles.  Nobody did it on purpose just the way things worked out at the time.  Growing up is hard, but I am glad now that I am able to help them sort this stuff out...although I wish I could fix them both...I know in my head I cannot, but my heart...says...I guess that why God made me a MOM :)  They will both be ok.  I am trying to enjoy the process of watching my whole family grow up.  Life is too short not to. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Growing up is hard, but thank goodness the boys have you to make if a little easier. Well, easier IF they listen to you, right> LOL  Hugs and love, my friend.