Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Graphic ~ Tag Lounge!

Oh GOOD LORD I think I finally figured out how to post pictures without copying and pasting which by the way is stealing...Took me long enough but as always persistance paid off!!

Today felt like a Monday even though it was Tuesday...it did end up being a - ok though.  I really didn't feel like being at work...until about 4:00 when the sun finally came out...something about that sun!

I started my day off by dumping coffee and grounds all over my counter top...then I had to untangle my cord that plugs my bus in...

After that I thought ... just get through the morning routes...

Then Eric came over and wanted to trade his telephone for the one that Dale had (big phone bill boy).  He was lacking sleep as his assistant manager job requires him to work a lot of hours.  So he was crabby and got all huffy with me because he thought the sales lady at the phone store was giving me the run around.  But dear old mom fixed everything...between him and my hubby the two of them and their all work and no play thing is going to drive me nuts.

Mark wants me to take off work Monday so we can spend time with the grandbabies.  I haven't seen the baby since Christmas so he's 2 months old.  I should be able to get off, I have never taken off ever.  Sad isn't it?  I have like 25 assorted days off and I never take off!  Seem Mark's son and his wife are going on a week long vacation and Mark's ex will have the boys...what's new she has the boys all the time anyway!  But I'll stop and not be resentful...life has a way balancing out things!

Today was the referendum to see if the School District will cut everything including , sports, band, fine arts, teachers, etc...and most of all US.

Judging from the way the polls looked I am sure it will pass...so hopefully I still have a job come summer.

Ok Liz wants on...I am done doing the happy dance for my graphics...


Anonymous said...

I'm doing the happy dance with ya! It took me months to get the whole FTP stuff down. A Tech goddess I'll never be. You need to take more then just a day off!! Take a few of those 25, remember, thats what they are there for!

Anonymous said...

The sun does make a difference doesn't it ? Go ahead and take a day off. Enjoy that grandbaby. You desirve it.
Have a great week.
Hugs, R.C.

Anonymous said...

great job on the graphics. i have no patience for that. i'm lucky i change my songs