Sunday, February 13, 2005

Love is....

Love is patient;  love is kind.
Love is not envious or boastful
or arrogant or rude.  
It does not insist on its own way:
it is not irritable or resentful; 
it does not rejoice in wrong doing,
but rejoices in truth.
Love bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things  
And now faith, hope, and love abide, 
and the greatest of these is love.


I've been thinking alot about Love, not only because of the holiday, but because of all the things I have been experiencing in my life over the past years.  When I first started my relationship with Mark I was really a wounded soul.  I had so many ideas about relationships but always picked the wrong person.  My old friend Katie used to say I had a bad "picker".  Not the other person's fault just wasn't the right person. 

When Mark came into my life we were two people who had been hurt in the past, but we had so many things in common...most importantly was Morals and Values.  We only dated 6 months before we got married on April 1, 1995.  Since that day we have been through so much ... but with each trail came growth and together we have honored our commitment and will continue to do so until we see each other on the other side.

I believe Love to be an action's not that you do things for the other person to control them, it's because you love them.  And you know that your love will be returned.  Love is the security to know that your mate will put you about any other human being...but will never forsake their responsiblities.  I believe that Love is the greatest gift God has ever given mankind.  And I am going to continue to look for ways to be more loving and kind to my fellow man...

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful entry. I see a lot of people who are self centered, egotistical and empty inside with no compassion for others. I feel sorry for them. Love can be a scary thing and something that isnt understood but if we are able to find someone to love and to be loved by, we have found it all. Thank God for the kids....they are the best example of unconditional love and a gift. Take care!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful entry. Happy Valentines Day.
lots of love.