Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Finally used to this work schedule!  Not so tired today.  I really like being busy but I really miss "cruising the Journals", I need to set aside a day to catch up!!

Sun Playing With Beach BallIt's funny how I have noticed just how different teenagers are from each other.  My 5 girls that I shuttle from the new high school to the old one talk about how fat they are, what they are wearing to the dance and how they look.  The boys on the other hand talk about CD's, how to roll a good cigarette (they"re stoners that's usually their main topic, pot).  Now when I have a mixed bus load it's all about mixed topics.  I think it's very interesting how when you separate the sexes how the topics are very different.  But the nice thing is I don't judge them so they always feel free to talk to me.  And so far they are being respectful...like the 2 today that said "hey there's no sign that says we can't smoke".  And I am like have you ever seen a bus go up in smoke?  They discussed the cons of the bus burning and agreed to not smoke even if they were just kidding me.  I have asked them what the big deal with smoking is.   I tried to talk to them about the costs of cigs, the health risks, etc.  The one kid says that he's addicted and the gum to quit costs too much.  As an ex smoker I know how they feel.  What a shame, and waste of a young life,  all to be cool.  Hopefully they will grow out of this phase, but this group of boys in particular have other issues and they are at this special school because they are a step away from jail...and again what a shame, all four of them are great young men.  I am glad I can help contribute in some sort of positive way.  Time will tell.

Life is good, things are looking up or maybe it's just my attitude, yep that's it...attitude and prayer.  God bless!


Anonymous said...

Those kids are blessed to have you driving the bus. A lot of drivers drive for the little money they make and really hate being around kids, especially teens.
**Big hugs to you for writing me such an encouraging email. It is so nice to talk to another person who knows what it's been like to be the *strong* one. Love you so much and appreciate you too. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

You are wonderful. I'm such a pain in the ass i would be reporting the stoners conversations and praying that the girls aren't anorexic. I was a bad teenager  yet for some reason I am appalled by the things teens do an say. I don't know why. Kids are lucky to have cool open people like you to look up to... so they know all us adults aren't aliens. My son just started a brand new school, he's 12 and for the first time in my life I don't have to drive him. It's bus for him. I hope his bus driver is as wonderful is you are! ((((U))))

Anonymous said...

Rose, you are wonderful! You have a great attitude!  I'm so behind on "crusing journls" too.......with Hubby home......well,  you know.......demands, demands, demands.....LOL.....keep smiling!  :-)  
Thanks for the comment you left in my journal too.  ~

Anonymous said...

I think you are a wonderful influence on those kids.  And with your non-judgmental attitude, you'd be a great school counselor (what I am studying to be).

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting used to your schedule.  It sounds like you are a really nice bus driver for the kids.  That's just what they need.  So many of them are grumpy, old farts!

Anonymous said...

You must hear it all Rose!  And I bet those parents think their kiddies are so good!  Stoners!  Sheesh!      I don't write every day anymore, this way I have a day to cruise J'land and a day to write......I liked both, and didn't want to give up either.....so this was a happy medium for me!

Have a great weekend Rose!  It's friday TGIF!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wish none of them smoked either.  Cigarettes are very expensive.  Next they will have to come up with a plan to get them if they cannot afford them and will end up in more trouble.  I would hate to watch in unfold.  It is good to be a trusting adult.  I think teenagers appreciate that.