Wednesday, September 15, 2004

It's a good day

2 Corinthians 4:17-18  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 

This verse seems very appropriate for me right now.  I look  back at the past few years and all the ups and downs and realize just how far spiritually I have come.  I used say the words that I had faith, that I believed that God would take care of me, my family.  I tried to will myself to believe those words.  I remember asking God to mold me into the type of human being that he would have me to be.  Little did realize that I would have to experience some really trying times.  But today as with everyday I realize how hard work does pay off, that having even a little bit of FAITH really goes a long way.  My paycheck was 4x as much as I thought it would be....I am making arrangements with the creditors, and I am even getting extra hours at work.  And even though it is only money, it does cause so much stress in the household.  Today I truly believe in the words that God provides for my family for today...tomorrow will take care of itself.  God is good always and in everything for those who truly believe in the unseen.  Thank you God!

Also, I talked to my biggest boy last night because I haven't seen him on line and wanted to make sure he was ok.  He said he had met a girl.  And of course being the wonderful mother I am I said is she sane?  He said, yes mom she is very nice.  This kid is the biggest sweetheart, and he wears his heart on his sleeve.  Not much dating experience, well yeah dating but no girlfriend yet.  He usually picks the really needy crazy girls so hopefully he can get to know this one and have some fun (good clean kind hopefully! =) ). 

Life is pretty darned good here, worrying about how we are going to pay our bills is FINALLY getting less of an emotional issue with me, and more of a take one step at a time issue and having the faith to truly believe.  God is good all the time and for that I am grateful!  Love you all....Rose


Anonymous said...

Is she sane?  LOL  I know why you ask that Mandy dates some oddballs.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are less stressed......your son sounds wonderful.......hopefully his new girl is nice too!