I am about 45 miles southwest of Chicago. Last night we had a big snow storm. It was a typical northern Illinois storm with most of the snow being toward Lake Michigan. We ended up getting around 5 inches here, but the southern part of the city got 10 inches.
The above picture is of an airplane that skidded at Midway Airport. Midway is a very small airport so the pilot I am sure only had little room for error. This could have been a real bad accident because the plane actually went into a wall and then into traffic! A child did die, but everyone else survived.
My neice, who works with me, lives near this airport and it took her 5 hours to drive a 2 hour drive. I tried to talk her into staying here with us, but you know kids they know everything! ;)
My route was fine, I was a few minutes late to the 2nd school, because of traffic. BUT the KIDS were awful. Loud, naughty and bouncing off the walls. I need to remember to bring my whistle, that usually gets their attention very quickly. They're pretty much trained in school to respond to a whistle. Otherwise I really had fun driving in the snow, but I did refrain from doing donuts, it was hard but I didn't do it!
My daughter has her Christmas show this weekend. Her director is so unprepared that the outfits that they were supposed to wear were only ordered 2 weeks ago and will not make it for the show. She is in an all girls show choir that is actually a graded class. They were going to be very nice too, red velvet with fur. Oh well, at least I stopped myself from calling her teacher and yelling about the dresses and the little shorts that we were supposed to run out and buy. I've gained some wisdom in my old age. I am a lot more able to think before I react...well usually! And my kid appreciates it too!
I am in shock, but my husband, Mark is actually working today. Our very cold weather has caused the ground to freeze too deeply for the work crews to do their grading work. His work is an excavation company. Four of my stepsons work for the company and they were laid off yesterday. It's a bit earlier than usually. Mark is one of two truck drivers he still has a lot of work to do, so !! THANKFULLY!! he will probably work until the end of the year.
It's a true blessing because we are still digging out of our debt from our failed owner operator truck position from 2003. I have finally made agreements with all my past creditors. Only two actually went to a legal agency. I am so glad that I have dealt with lawyers in my past divorce and custody situations, because legal types DO NOT scare me. Even though the poor unfortunates that they hire to threaten people think they can scare you into court. One firm, that I have had the displeasure of dealing with is rude and crude. I even asked the guy to stop being rude and he said it wasn't against any laws to be rude, and he could talk anyway he felt like. UGH ! There is a letter in the future from me to this office, it's so unprofessional and down right wrong to think they can bully people. I am not a deadbeat, I've had problems, but they are being corrected one step at a time.
I have found my way around their threats, it's called knowledge, and I know my rights and I refuse to deal with them. I send them checks and they leave me alone. It's quite nice. All this I owe to God, very hard work and a level head. And helping others, that's a big one. I truly believe that what goes around comes around -- and that was taught to me by my wonderful mother...during my divorce.
I am off to play in the snow!