Thursday, December 9, 2004

All better

I am all better.  As I was taught through ALL those years of therapy, that you break problems down into little peices.  And for me when I am feeling so helpless and lost I just give it all to God and get busy.  Last night I was on a rant, but I needed to get out of my system.  No one in particular had to listen to me so that's probably a good thing.  I just screamed and yelled in my car on the way to get my kid.

I appreciate this journal so much and I always know that I can be whom ever I am for the moment.  And your comments and prayers are always appreciated.  Prayer does work!  I am proof of that...after my divorce I was a very emotional and sick individual...I was prayed over often by the least likely people...and I do truly believe that God puts people in your life at different times for His reasons...we never know why until we look back in hindsight.

Anyway, I took care of my debit card, cancelled it and am getting a new one for $15.00, small price to pay for my spaceness. 

Mark is home today, but he is working around the house.  He is fixing the pick up truck now, U-joint's been out for a while.  Hopefully the peice will come out...he's been struggling with it for a while.  Hopefully, the weather will stay clear and he can work tomorrow and Saturday...if not I am not going to worry anymore.  Doesn't accomplish anything, only a sore chest and a waste of time.

So folks I am back to normal, the sun is out and everything is just as it should be.  And the future, I am happy today and thankful to be alive.  God bless you all...Have a wonderful Thursday!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. A nice sunny day always helps.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

bless you and your family too.  

Anonymous said...

I like the advice you received in true it is and how easy we forget during times of stress, I will try to remember those words....bless you Rose!
