Thursday, December 23, 2004

All I want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is ... PEACE

Not only on this big old earth...

But peace in my family...

My wish is for all the formers, ex's, befores and afters to all get over it!  Get over the past, forgive the sins, the what-if's, the didn't do and the you did this's...

Get over the guilt, the hate, the anger, and jeolousy...

For unto this earth was born a savior...

Our Lord, Jesus...the gift of forgiveness that was given to us so long ago...

So today instead of being the one to expect forgiveness I am going to be the one to set the example and forgive...

First off I forgive myself...

Now I will look for the goodness in my family...and I will give my love and forgiveness to them...each and every one of them...

Now on to my new is that this kid can already scoot across the couch!  The visiting nurse was over and he figured out how to fall off the couch...he's ok, but wow the kids only a couple of days old and he's moving!  Good thing he's got a big brother to handle.


We are going over there for Christmas Eve...speaking of I will be the nut out there shopping, but that's ok...I love the rush...

Take care all...and hug your loved ones!  Tis the season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great wish list. I agree with all of it. In fact I could just copy it and it would suit me fine.
I hope you have a great Christmas.
Good Luck with the shopping.
Merry Christmas.